Home > Global Peacebuilder Resource Center > Working with Youth Working With Youth Here you will find activities, guidebooks, and lesson plans for peacebuilding with young people. English Resources Conflict Resolution Activities for Middle School Skill-Building Adolescents' engagement in Peacebuilding - Lebanon Stopping Violence in Schools: a guide for teachers I Painted Peace Pact Standards for Programs Serving Vulnerable Children Conflict Management and Peacebuilding in Everyday life: A resource kit for children and youth Help Increase Peace Activities Finding Community-Based Child Protection Solutions Exploring Your Community's Strengths and Hopes Youth, Peace and Security: A Programming Handbook مصادر عربية وقف العنف في المدارس: دليل للمعلمين مجموعة أدوات بناء السلام Ressources en français En Finir avec la Violence à l'école: guide a l'intention des enseignants Boite a outils pour le peacebuilding a l'intention des educateurs Recursos portugueses Guia municipal de prevencão da violência letal contra adolescentes e jovens Recursos españoles Poner Fin a la violencia en la escuela: guía para los docentes Mediadores por la Paz Juego de herramientas para construir paz