In June of 2024, our global Board of Directors from nine countries met in person for the first time in many years. It was a powerful convening with the majority of the board present; the members of the Board were energized about implementing the next steps in our 2022 Strategic Plan and charting the direction for MBBI over the next two years. We are grateful to Conciliation Resources and the TCM Group for hosting us during this Board Meeting. This special gathering provided our Directors the opportunity to build relationships, meet other leaders, and develop the structures and systems for MBBI’s next stage in development.
In attendance were (from left to right on the Business Design Centre Photo): Ajoeb Mohamedajoeb, Treasurer & Chair of the Financial Committee, Ilan Bass, Secretary & Chair of the Membership Committee, Archana Medhekar, Chair of MBB Canada, Simone Heuer, Co-Chair of the Congress 2025, Lady Justice Joyce Aluoch, Co-Chair of the Board & Chair of the Congress 2023, Kristi Harrington, Chair of the Governance Committee, Prabha Sankaranarayan, President & CEO, Laura May, Facilitator of the Board Meeting & MBBI Colleague, Arjan Sikri, Co-Chair of the Legal Committee, and John Keenan, Co-Chair of the Board.
Not in attendance were Charlie Pillsbury, Chair, of the Fund Development Committee, Barbara Boselli, and Dana Moldovan.
In addition, on June 28th, 2024, we hosted an event: Harmony Amidst Discord: Navigating Polarization, Authoritarianism, and the Role of Mediators in Fostering People-Centric Peace. Read the description here:
In today’s turbulent world, polarization and authoritarianism, mis and disinformation, threaten the very fabric of peaceful coexistence. Yet, amidst these challenges, there exists a crucial role for mediators in shaping positive outcomes rooted in people-centric peace. This event brings together thought leaders, peacebuilders, and changemakers to explore innovative strategies for navigating the complexities of polarization and authoritarianism. Together, we will delve into the critical role of mediators as catalysts for positive change, offering hope and inspiration for a more harmonious future. Join us for an evening of dynamic conversations aimed at building bridges, fostering empathy, and creating sustainable peace in our communities and beyond. There will be light refreshments and a chance to mingle with other MBBI members, our Board of Directors, and CR’s team.