Preventing Violent Extremism: A Peacebuilding Perspective, The 6th Action Asia Peacebuilders’ Forum, Indonesia

MBBI South East Asia International Training Institute Participants, representatives of APWAPS, AMAN Indonesia, and WinG hosted a conference on Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE). The conference included the work of the following ITI participants: Ruby Kholifah, Country Representative of AMAN Indonesia, Jurma Tikmasan, Founder Tarbilang Foundation, Mindanao and Andy Yentriyani, Coordinator, APWAPS . Visit the conference website here.

Prevention of Violent Extremism (PVE) efforts have too often relied on counter-terrorism and security measures. This forum’s statement (below), however, provides clear guidance, for those working on PVE, to use well established, evidence based conflict prevention and transformation tools.

Forum Statement


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