The Mediators Beyond Borders International—Europe Collaboration Region (MBB Europe), founded in 2021, is a group of European peacebuilders who are dedicated to enhancing the practice of mediation and the value it can offer to individual relationships and communities. The group comprises experienced European mediators from diverse backgrounds with the vision to improve dialogue within society and peace within the region through its collaboration with NGOs, companies, public organizations, and educational institutions.
MBB Europe aims to raise awareness about the benefits of peer mediation, reconciliation, and conflict prevention, in addition to ethical standards of conflict resolution. Our focus is both local and international, with members working on a variety of mediation and facilitation projects throughout Europe.
MBB Europe Coordinating Committee
- MBB Europe Chairperson - Ilan Bass (United Kingdom)
- MBB Netherlands Chairperson - Ajoeb Mohamedajoeb (Netherlands)
- MBB Switzerland Chairperson - Avinder Laroya (Switzerland)
If you are interested in joining MBB Europe, please reach out to MBBI directly to be added to the mailing list.