Webinar: Rumble and Rise Skills for Authoring New Social Contracts

Join us in a conversation on Brave Speak: Rumble and Rise Skills for Authoring New Social Contracts One Conversation at a Time by Ei Ei Samai, Principal at Samai Culture Design, on Wednesday, August 14, 2019, at 2:00 PM ET.

Conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion can be cortisol triggering for many people. Not knowing what to say or worrying that “your words won’t match your heart” as Brené Brown says, can keep us from having brave interactions. Yet, to prevent perishing as fools on this hurt planet, we must learn to live together and practice courage every opportunity we have. A certified Dare to LeadTM facilitator and Neuroscience of Conversations practitioner, Ei Ei will set a safe experiential container for practicing daring conversations. 

Interactions included:

  • Group agreements
  • Compile real scenarios
  • Have guided conversations
  • Prepare for rise and repair 

Register here


Ei Ei Samai uses neuro, social, and design sciences to facilitate the growth of brave people, teams, and social contracts. Her skill-building as a mindful cross-cultural communicator began when she learned Vipassana meditation as a 4-year-old. She began her journey with justice work as a working-class immigrant teen at a Silicon Valley High School in the 90s, later participating in student and women of color spaces in college to learn from liberation movement builders such as Angela Davis and Grace Lee Boggs. She gained her aptitude for system and pattern thinking through a combination of Pre-Med and Religious Identity studies. 

In addition to holding a Master of Science in Organizational Management and Transformative Leadership, she is certified in advanced facilitation, experiential training, community mediation, conflict transformation, restorative justice, ecological model of leadership, human system design, and in Conversational Intelligence® by the late Judith Glaser. In 2019, she was chosen as a Courage Catalyst in the first cohort of Brené Brown’s Dare to Lead™ Facilitator Training.

With over 20 years of experience in social impact, Ei Ei holds grounded expertise in shaping bold conversations in areas such as educational equity, diversity and inclusion, social and environmental justice, trust recovery, client experience, team dysfunction, collective impact strategy planning, program and service design, family and community engagement, collaborative partnerships, knowledge management, and organizational culture. Click here to read more about Ei Ei and her work. 

Please note that the deadline to register for this webinar is one day before the event. We will send the Zoom access link to registrants after the registration closing time and on the day of the event. For further information about this our other webinars, contact us at webinars@mediatorsbeyondborders.org.

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