Sustainable Development Goals Action Group
The SDGAG supports the implementation of the UN’s Global Agenda 2030 (also known as Sustainable Development Goals-SDGs). In 2017, the SDGSC drafted and submitted MBBI’s Statement to the High-Level Political Forum (July 2017) and attended the HLPF meetings. Members of MBBI’s delegation observed Voluntary National Reviews and attended the parallel forum on business and partnership.
- MBBI's SDG Action Group co-created the Position Paper of the Non-Governmental Organizations Major Group, High-Level Political Forum 2018
- Concept Note NGO Major Group Side Event at the HLPF 2018. An NGO Toolbox to Enhance Implementation of the 2030 Agenda Towards Sustainable and Resilient Communities
- UNMWG Understanding, SDG 16 Plus for Peaceful, Just & Inclusive Pakistan PJN
- MBBI Statement Submitted to HLPF: Early Parenting and Early Child Care and Education to Break the Inter-Generational Dimension of Poverty
- The Peace Cluster is focused on the 2019 review of Sustainable Development Goal 16—which promotes peace, justice, and inclusive societies. The Peace Cluster convenes peacebuilding, mediation, and conflict resolution-focused organizations to synthesize their recommendations to ECOSOC.
For more information ON THE SDGAG, please contact Estera Borcsa, Chair at: eborcsa@mediatorsbeyondborders.org.