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A Decade of Achievements
Over the past ten years, MBBI has worked across 15 countries on four continents, and has:
- Established mediation centers and learning partnerships in and between Cambodia, Ghana, Greece, Israel, Liberia, and the USA (Maryland, New York).
- Launched the International Training Institute for Women in Mediation—with four global cohorts of 93 women now using peacebuilding skills to conduct dispute resolution, mediation, and peace projects in 33 countries. In turn, they impacted over 10,000 people in their respective communities.
- Built systems to integrate displaced persons and refugees in Ghana, Liberia and the USA (Pittsburgh).
- Reconciled violent conflicts between ethnic communities in Kenya and Liberia.
- Established restorative justice practices integrating trauma-informed principles in Ecuador, Kenya, Liberia, Nepal, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, and the USA.
- Supported leadership development for women political aspirants – a network of 100 youth, women and traditional leaders – in Sierra Leone.
- Successfully advocated for facilitation language in the United Nation’s (UN) Climate Agreement.
- Achieved special NGO Consultative Status with the UN’s Economic and Social Council.
- Convened dialogues on immigration conflicts; trained 105 facilitators who in turn facilitated for approximately 500 participants in Greece and USA (Los Angeles).
- Convened dialogues on police/security sector-community relations in Indonesia, Ghana, Kenya, and the USA.
- Launched a Consulting Division focused on responsible development—with a global network of 43 local practitioners.
- Launched the Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding Program—which has trained a wide range of populations impacted by trauma, including USAID partners.
- Reintegrated 125 former combatants safely into communities in Liberia—all of whom have remained violence-free.
- Convened seven International Congresses in the United States (2009 -2013), Turkey (2013), Romania (2015) involving peace-builders & Rotarians from over 45 countries.
- Opened an affiliate office in Amsterdam in 2017, and established regional representatives in East Africa and South/Southeast Asia.
- Established a UN Working Group that plays an active role in the Commission on the Status of Women, Global Compact, High-Level Political Forum, and Conference of the Parties.
- Delivered training for over 1000 Rotarians at breakout sessions during Rotary Conventions and Peace Conferences.
- Partnered in conflict assessments, project design and implementation, mediation training, and peacebuilding projects with more than one hundred and twenty organizations on five continents.
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