Dries Velthuizen
Andreas Velthuizen has had a long and varied career in peacebuilding, conflict prevention, and dispute resolution, working in countries all over Africa. He is South African, and a Professor in African Studies associated with the University of South Africa, focussing on Peace and Security praxis. Although he claims to never have officially practiced mediation, the work that he has done training community peacebuilders in dispute resolution; working in communities beleaguered by violence; and designing interventions to prevent violent conflict; and educator teaching peace building to public service practitioners including members of the armed forces, has left him with exceptional cultural awareness, knowledge and skills. Decades of experience in creating peaceful spaces in Africa as a team leader and member, enables him to follow a holistic, systems approach, looking through a humanistic lens at situations, living the values of togetherness, mutual support and respect for the dignity of personhood, applying the principles of justice and togetherness in practice.
Areas of Expertise: Peacebuilding, Conflict Prevention, Dispute Resolution, Academia
Country of Origin: South Africa
Current Residence: South Africa
Languages: English