Martha Harty is a mediator, trainer and learning scientist at Carnegie Mellon University. She builds interactive training modules for student teams covering collaboration, diversity and conflict skills, and studies their effectiveness. Her recent work at CMU includes CollaborativeU, ConflictU and MeetingU, available on CMU’s Open Learning Initiative. Harty’s wide-ranging career has included 30 years as a community mediator, conflict consultant and trainer; 15 years of conflict-focused teaching and research in CMU’s Center for Advancement of Applied Ethics; 7 years as Co-Director of Heartwood Institute (literature-based ethics and conflict resolution curriculums); and 7 years co-leading an educational technology startup. She is an active founding member of Mediators Beyond Borders International and Just Mediation Pittsburgh. She received her doctorate in History and Philosophy of Science from the University of Pittsburgh in 1988.

Areas of expertise: Higher education, community, international, technology-enhanced training, trauma-informed peacebuilding.
Country of Origin: USA
Country of Residence: USA
Languages: English