CYADR May Presentation

Restorative Justice:  What is It?  How does it Work?  For Whom? Presented by Richard Barbieri Thursday, May 21, 10:00 ET (USA & Canada) This session will provide an introduction to RJ: its origins and history, from indigenous cultures to contemporary societies.  It will also describe its design, and illustrate its worldwide use among youth and…

المجلس عن موضوع وبناء السلام والجوائح – 29 مايو 2020

نحن، كوسطاء وبناة سلام، مجهزين بالمهارات والخبرة اللازمة للاستجابة لهذه الأزمة، ولدورنا أهمية كبيرة مشابهه لأهمية متخصصو الرعاية الصحية. هذه المشاكل التي على نطاق عالمي تتطلب موارد تتجاوز ما يمكن أن تحققه الدول بمفردها، حيث تتطلب تعاونًا يساهم في بناء الحلول المبتكرة من خلال الحوار وبناء الإجماع، وجميع الطرق التي تشجع التواصل المفتوح والصادق، وتبني…

Rotary Working Group June Meeting

The MBBI- Rotary Working Group was established, at the Rotary Convention in Hamburg 2019, to connect like-minded PeaceBuilders, strengthen the MBBI Rotary Partnership and learn more about global peace programs for potential involvement to grow our collective efforts.   Our online monthly meetings are the first Tuesday of the month at 8 am Pacific Time.…

MBB Canada June Meeting

The Mediators Beyond Borders International—Canada Regional Group (MBB Canada) was founded in 2015 with the goal of connecting conflict resolution practitioners from across the country. In addition to bringing the mission and vision of MBBI into our meetings and initiatives, we:   -Share an interest in networking and partnerships -Continued learning and collaboration -Supporting Canada’s Indigenous population  …