Surviving and Thriving in Extreme Environments

A series of brief talks from some ‘extreme’ humans with a background in social issues, health, medicine and extreme sports, will provide a fascinating view of individual and community health and wellbeing in the face of extreme environments and conditions. We will also hear from our UoE funding experts and invite all attendees to discuss opportunities…

CCPP October Meeting

Since 2009, the Climate Change Policy Project (CCPP) has been an Observer Project of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and an Official Observer Organization for Talks and Conference of the Parties (COP). For more information on this project, please see here. If you are interested in engaging with this team, join as a…

EWER Part 1 (Oct 20)

This training session is designed to answer the question "What exactly is conflict early warning and early response?" The program goes through basic concepts, raises important questions, and addresses ethical challenges.  This first session provides an overall introduction and will help you identify what role you can play in this initiative. Part II, Advanced Concept Training, will provide more of the…

Whats Next for the Women Peace And Security Agenda at 20?

In 2020, we commemorate 20 years of the Women Peace and Security (WPS) agenda since the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 in October 2000. The UN Secretary-General's 2019 Annual Report on WPS highlighted the important role of regions in developing innovative, 'context-specific' approaches to the WPS agenda and in identifying practical and measurable steps for…

Webinar – Conflict Culture & Democracy Session 4

This is the fourth Demo Sapiens webinar series that is co-sponsored by Mediators Beyond Borders International (MBBI) and the Millennium Alliance of Humanity and the Biosphere (Stanford University). It is led by Ashok Panikkar of MetaCulture. It is a 12-part Conflict, Culture & Democracy Course. It will be held weekly on Thursdays at 10 AM ET…