Webinar Series: Conflict, Culture & Democracy

This is the second Demo Sapiens webinar series that is co-sponsored by Mediators Beyond Borders International (MBBI) and the Millennium Alliance of Humanity and the Biosphere (Stanford University). It is led by Ashok Panikkar of MetaCulture.

It is a 12-part Conflict, Culture & Democracy Course. It will be held weekly on Thursdays at 10AM EST. Each session will be 90 minutes long. The first session is scheduled for Thursday, February 27 at 10AM EST and the twelfth session is scheduled for Thursday, May 14 at 10AM EST. 


Register here for the Demo Sapiens Webinar Series beginning on Thursday, February 27 at 10AM EST

This course is designed to help participants place the current global crisis of democracy within the larger (and complex) context. Navigating this unprecedented political, ecological, economic and cultural crisis will depend upon our capacity to understand: (a) How we got here. (b) The interlocking forces that are in play today (c) What history can teach us about human successes and limitations in addressing complex problems.

Each session will seek to develop a discourse around democracy, politics and culture that can be well-informed, thoughtful and mature- rather than reactive, angry, wishful or riddled with assumptions.


Register here for the Demo Sapiens Webinar Series beginning on Thursday, February 27 at 10AM EST


Please note that the pricing for the Demo Sapiens Webinar Series is different than MBBI’s monthly webinars. Participants are paying for a 12-part series co-sponsored by MBBI, Meta-Culture, and the Millennium Alliance of Humanity and the Biosphere. If participants register for this series by February 14, they can pay a discounted rate. Check out the event registration page here for more information on ticket pricing.

Ashok Panikkar, the founder of Meta-Culture is a mediator and dialogue facilitator who has worked extensively with polarized groups. He has mediated business and workplace disputes as well as disputes related to family, race and gay marriage. He has designed and facilitated multi-year complex dialogues with stakeholders in the garment/apparel sector and with conservative Muslim/Hindu and Christian/Hindu groups. He now convenes creative platforms for civic engagement and works full time on strengthening the culture of democracy and citizenship values.

Ashok is a past Board member of the New England ACR and Mediators Beyond Borders International. Meta-Culture was the ACR International Leadership Award winner in 2010. As an ardent student of politics and history, Ashok is acutely aware that he has been privileged to live freely in a democratic society and is committed to ensuring that future generations will have the same rights and freedoms.

Please note that the deadline to register for this webinar is February 26. We will send the Zoom access link to registrants after the registration closing time and again on the day of the event. For further information about this our other webinars, contact us at webinars@mediatorsbeyondborders.org.

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