The Kenya Initiative supports the application and development of indigenous processes in areas that have pastoralist (nomadic herder) communities in Kenya. We work with local partners in a multi-faceted, bottom up and top down approach to pastoralist peacebuilding intended to support our local partners build an extensive network of local peace guardians empowered to resolve their own conflicts and sustain their own peace.
Team Leader:
- Lisa Rose, Northern Ireland
Team Members:
- Victoria Gray, USA
- Dorina Prech, Kenya
- Peace Guardians Core Group
- Local Capacities for Peace International
- Rotary International
- Tiaty Integrated Peace Initiative
Project History
Mediators Beyond Borders International was invited to Kenya by pastoralist peacebuilders to help them increase their conflict resolution skills and build peace between warring ethnic communities in rural areas.
We formed a unique partnership of Kenyan and US volunteer organizations, pastoralist communities, and Kenyan county government to implement the Warriors to Peace Guardians Framework—a systemic initiative to address deadly and intractable pastoralist violence. MBBI-KI participates as catalysts, mentors, trainers, and coordinators in supporting the development of a strong pastoralist network that can effectively manage conflict at the grassroots.
Project Objectives
Increase the skills and number of pastoralist peace guardians who prevent and manage violence in their communities and in turn teach these skills to other pastoralist groups
- Generate development and improve livelihoods for pastoralists to remove key conflict drivers and promote positive peace
- Create civil society focus on ensuring that governments are accountable for their commitment to peace infrastructure and that they function effectively and are coordinated with grassroots peace activity
- Improve police and security response to violence and crime in pastoralist communities