Former Deputy Secretary of Conflict Management with the Prime Minister Office of Peru during the transition and emergency government of Peru with the Sagasti Administration in 2021.

Mediator, consensus building and stakeholder engagement practitioner, negotiation consultant, and conflict coach and trainer. Lawyer from the University of Lima. Master’s in communication from WKU and Master in Conflict Management from the Institute for Conflict Management at Lipscomb University, trained in Negotiation Pedagogy from Harvard University and trained by Al Gore, former US VP in Climate Change. Executive Director of ORASI Consulting Group (USA), Senior Partner of the Consensus Building Institute (USA), Latin America Director of the Workplace Fairness Institute (Canada) and Managing Partner of Estrateus Consultores (Peru). Listed facilitator in the InterAmerican Development Bank`s Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism`s roster, Mediator for the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO), independent accountability mechanism for projects supported by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) – private sector arms of the World Bank Group. Consultant and Peace Builder with Mediators Beyond Borders International, and International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Licensed Trainer. He served as 2010-2011 Chair of the International Section of the Association for Conflict Resolution (USA) and 2011-2012 Vice President of the International Investment and Development Committee of the American Bar Association (USA).

20+ years of professional experience applied to addressing social conflicts in Peru and the world. 10+ years of teaching and research experience in institutional issues for the management, negotiation, analysis, and transformation of conflicts in various academic centers in Peru and abroad.

Luis helps individuals, groups, organizations and governments use negotiation and consensus building skills and strategies to advance their interests, improve business and working relationships, and deal with conflict more effectively. 

Author of books and publications: “Consensus Building: Proceso de Construcción de Consenso”, Extractive Game Triangle: Do we need to change the mining game to achieve the Social License to Operate?, and The Warintza Model: From Conflict to Strategic Alliance with Social Involvement and Consensus Building, and various specialized publications in the field of negotiation, prevention and transformation of conflicts.

Areas of Expertise: Multiparty Mediation, Cross-Cultural Mediation; Stakeholder Engagement in Mining and Extractive Industry, Natural Resources; Environmental Conflict Resolution; Foreign Investment Projects and International Development; Organizational Conflict Resolution, and Social Responsibility.  

Country of Origin: Peru

Current Residence: Peru 

Languages: English, Spanish