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International Peace Training Institute

Interfaith Dialogue

Developing the understanding and skills to address conflicts between and among faith traditions.

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Women in Peacebuilding

Increasing the number of women engaging in peace processes from the local to the international level.

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Environmental Conflict Management

Creating collaborative processes to address conflicts based in or fed by environmental issues. ​

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The goal of the International Peace Training Institute (IPTI) is to develop global cohorts of people who have the knowledge and skills to actively address conflict transformation in the local, national, and international contexts:

  1. Respond positively to intra- and inter-community conflict that can negatively impact economic growth, community safety and family health. 
  2. Lead conflict resolution and transformation processes in their country – locally and nationally 
  3. Develop connections with other peacebuilders locally, regionally, and internationally 
  4. Contribute to peace processes locally, regionally, and internationally 

The 12-month IPTI program for each cohort emphasizes:

  • Capacity-building: A multicultural, multinational and multidisciplinary endeavor guided by an MBBI team whose work experience spans 40 countries. Skills are developed in conflict analysis, dialog facilitation, mediation, restorative justice, and project planning. Negotiation training emphasizes contexts for peace negotiations and advocacy to access a seat at the table. Cohorts think strategically about the best use of these skills in a variety of cultural contexts. 
  • Connecting and complementing: Participants exchange experience and insights with practitioners from countries in their region, as well as with conflict professionals around the world. MBBI helps them build on relationships within MBBI and form connections with complementary networks.
  • Contributing: Participants design projects based on the training to reduce threats to peace, promote reconciliation, and educate and empower more leaders. The participants are supported by others in their cohort and by MBBI trainers through regular coaching/mentoring opportunities.