2020 Sierra Leone In-Country Training
2020 Project work
Phase I: Week-Long Intensive Residential Training. One week for women and one week for youth. Topics included:
♦ Leadership
♦ Trauma Emotions & Conflict
♦ Communication
♦ Conflict Resolution
♦ Coalition Building
♦ Advocacy
♦ Mediation
♦ Negotiation
♦ Group Dynamics
♦ Advocacy
♦ Presentation Skills
♦ Project Planning
Phase II: Leadership Learning Groups of 5-7 while working on community projects
The projects are varied in nature and scope. Participants are demonstrating the use of their leadership and peacebuilding skills as they initiate or enhance their community projects.
Examples of Women and Youth Projects - 2020
- Combating Youth Violence
- Community Campaign to Stop Drug Use
- Combating Teen Pregnancy
- Youth Farming for Unemployed Youth
- Creating Peace Clubs in Schools
- Girls Parliament
- Educating Youth on Sustainable Forestry
- Mentoring Program for Students to Stay in School
- Promoting Women in Leadership Roles
- Gender Inclusion and Equality
- Training Co-Workers and Community in Conflict Transformation Skills
- Women Participating in Community Decision Making
- Agribusiness – Supporting food security and employment
- Community Mediation – Resolving conflict within a Chiefdom
- Maternal Mortality
- Micro-lending
- Sexual Reproductive Rights and Maternal Care
- Community Empowerment on Gender-Based Violence
- COVID19 Sensitization Projects
Phase III: Webinars provided to participants to expand and enhance their skills.
Ongoing Evaluation of the project looks at project progress, participant growth in leadership and conflict transformation skills, peer coaching, and the project impact on communities in Sierra Leone.