Becoming an Island of Peace: The Ultimate Gift of Mediation in Aruba

Join Sophie Bérubé for this dynamic PeaceConnect conversation. This 90-minute conversation event will be on June 22nd, 2022, at 2:00 pm EDT (UTC -4). Please use the Time Zone Converter to determine when this engaging conversation will be in your time zone. Register here! Speaker Bio  Sophie Bérubé has been a member of the Quebec…

Nurturing Hope – A Learning Journey: Creating Intimate Spaces To Experience Our Honest Differences

Join some members of the dispersed community associated with the Corrymeela Reconciliation Centre in Northern Ireland for this dynamic PeaceConnect conversation. This 90-minute conversation event will be on June 29th, 2022, at 9:00 am EDT (UTC -4) | 2:00 pm Irish Time (UTC +1). Please use the Time Zone Converter to determine when this engaging conversation will…

UNMWG June 2022 Meeting

MBBI's United Nations Multilateral Working Group (UNMWG) was created in response to the United Nations’ (UN) call on civil society to help build its mediation capacity. UNMWG fosters partnerships to support the international community’s mediation and conflict prevention capacity-building efforts, advocates for the use and value of mediation in the UN system, and engages MBBI membership in collaborating with and supporting the…

MBB Canada July 2022 Meeting

The Mediators Beyond Borders International—Canada Regional Group (MBB Canada) was founded in 2015 with the goal of connecting conflict resolution practitioners from across the country. In addition to bringing the mission and vision of MBBI into our meetings and initiatives, we: Share an interest in networking and partnerships Continued learning and collaboration Supporting Canada's Indigenous population For more…

Earthly Order: How Natural Laws Define Human Life

Join Dr. Saleem Ali for this dynamic PeaceConnect conversation based off his newly released book of the same title. Here is the discount purchase link below to buy the book. All royalties will be donated for environmental literacy program: Earthly Order: How Natural Laws Define Human Life (Oxford Univ. Press). This 90-minute conversation event will be…