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Member Spotlights

MBBI calls its members Peace Builders. Our members contribute their time utilizing their skills and experiences to participate in Working and Regional Groups, and Capacity-Building & Advocacy Initiatives. We hope that through our Spotlights, our members, individually and collectively, will inspire you as much as they inspire us to continue the important work.

To read more about our other current members, log into your profile for the member directory.

A growing number of international requests reach MBBI for partnerships, services, and projects. Help us build our capacity to say “yes” to these requests; consider joining us as a Peace Builder. For more information on how to become involved and for internship and volunteer opportunities, please visit our Join Us page or contact us at info@mediatorsbeyondborders.org.

Our Peace Builders

Charles Gross ~ MBB Member Spotlight

Charles Gross: A Purposeful & Meaningful Life A native of Los Angeles, Charles Gross joined MBB in 2011, starting out as a student member in the Dominguez Hills university chapter.…
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Stacey Schamber ~ MBB Member Spotlight

What first drew you to MBB? Many roads have been traveled in bringing our group together. We’re not all world renowned mediators, but as Stacey Schamber has proved there is…
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Member Spotlight: Alicia Kuin

Ever wonder what’s in it for you? Or want to get involved, but not know how? Many members and volunteers have faced the same quandary. In 2013 Alicia Kuin resolved…
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