Webinar: Paradoxical Problem Solving Skills

Every day in our personal and professional, social and political lives, we encounter a seemingly endless stream of problems. There are problems so petty we hardly take notice of them, problems so huge we can’t begin to comprehend them, and problems that take us to the very edge of our skills, wake us up and transform our thinking. In fact, all of life can be seen as the solving of an endless succession of lower and higher order problems.

Join us in a conversation on Paradoxical Problem-Solving Skills for Mediators, Dialogue Facilitators, and Collaborative Negotiators by Dr. Kenneth Cloke on Wednesday, February 6, 2019, at 1 PM ET.

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Today’s problems are increasingly complex, connected and paradoxical, yet the ways we solve them remain simple, disconnected and one-sided. A paradox means living simultaneously with multiple truths and apparently contradictory realities, and we all confront paradoxes every day, especially in conflict. By not oversimplifying their natural complexity, but mining them for information about novel ways of improving the quality of solutions, we turn problems into sources of learning, transformation, and transcendence.

Paradoxical problem-solving in relationships and organizations consists of using higher order mediation, dialogue, and collaborative negotiation skills to integrate diverse truths and generate something new, something that did not exist before, something that existed only as a problem, rather than as a new direction. Awareness, learning, growth, and change are all by-products of recognizing, exploring, wrestling with, and creatively resolving paradoxical problems. The most challenging aspect of paradoxical problems, therefore, is not finding solutions but maximizing opportunities to learn from and transcend them. This workshop will help mediators, dialogue facilitators and collaborative negotiators explore creative approaches to resolving complex, paradoxical problems.

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Kenneth Cloke is Director of the Center for Dispute Resolution and a mediator, arbitrator, facilitator, coach, consultant and, specializing in communication, negotiation, and resolving complex multi-party disputes, including marital, divorce, family, community, grievance and workplace disputes, collective bargaining negotiations, organizational and school conflicts, sexual harassment, discrimination, and public policy disputes; and designing preventative conflict resolution systems. 

He is an internationally recognized speaker and author of Mediation:  Revenge and the Magic of Forgiveness; Mediating Dangerously: The Frontiers of Conflict Resolution; The Crossroads of Conflict: A Journey into the Heart of Dispute Resolution; Conflict Revolution (1and-2nd Editions); and The Dance of Opposites: Explorations in Mediation, Dialogue and Conflict Resolution Systems Design; and co-author with Joan Goldsmith of Thank God It’s Monday! 14 Values We Need to Humanize the Way We Work; Resolving Personal and Organizational Conflict; The End of Management and the Rise of Organizational Democracy; The Art of Waking People Up: Cultivating Awareness and Authenticity at Work; and Resolving Conflicts At Work: Ten Strategies For Everyone On The Job (1st-3rd Editions).

Please click here to read Ken’s complete bio.

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