Webinar – Conflict Culture & Democracy Session 12

This is the fourth Demo Sapiens webinar series that is co-sponsored by Mediators Beyond Borders International (MBBI) and the Millennium Alliance of Humanity and the Biosphere (Stanford University). It is…

Protests, Police, and Preventing Violence

Protests, Police, and Preventing Violence   How can communities and civil society organizations make the best decisions for their contexts? What steps can they take, including how can or should they work…

Trust Network Partners: Weekly Zoom Meeting Dec 22

The TRUST Network is a non-partisan group of national and international experts in early warning early response mechanisms (including expertise in information and communication technologies - ICTs), and local, regional…

2021 Quito Congress Planning Call

Join the Quito 2021 Congress Planning call. The event itself will be November 3-5, 2021, and we meet every fourth Thursday 4-5 pm to prepare. Please email 2021congress@mediatorsbeyondborders.org to receive…