November 2021 Happy Hour

Making this world more peace able starts with building relationships.  We would love it if you can join us for our monthly happy hour conversations. It would be nice to get to know each other on a personal note and enrich relationships. There will be multiple zoom lounges where you can chat with each other…

Poetry in Mediation – The Heart of Conflict Can Improve Through Poetic Justice

Join the Children and Youth ADR Working Group in their monthly webinar. The November Webinar is entitled Poetry in Mediation – The Heart of Conflict Can Improve Through Poetic Justice and will be led by SY Bowland, Educator, Organizer, and Conflict Resolution and Restorative Practitioner from the Practitioners Research and Scholarship Institute This 90-minute conversation event…

MET November 2021 Meeting

The Membership Engagement Team (MET) of MBBI meets monthly to discuss the best ways to engage MBBI's globally diverse membership. For more information on this team and the benefits of membership, please see here. If you are interested in engaging with this team, join as a member here

Identidad, Sentido de Pertenencia y Migraciones | Identidade, sentimento de pertença e migrações

En Español: Un saludo especial a todos Las migraciones se originan por muchos factores, entre ellos la desigualdad, los factores ambientales, políticos, religiosos, económicos, conflictos, solo para mencionar  algunos de ellos.  Los desplazamientos internos y externos impactan nuestras identidades y nuestro sentido de pertenencia, generando  en muchas ocasiones conflictos de diversa índole. Este es el tema…

Managing Difficult Conversations When Gender is in Question

Engage in this exciting second session of a three-part webinar on Gender. Each part is a separate event but all three comprise aspects of Gender and Mediation. This 90-minute conversation event will be on November 30th, 2021, at 12 pm EST (-5 UTC) Please use the Time Zone Converter to determine when this engaging conversation…